fredag 15. mai 2009

The pros and cons of government controlled brothels.

I mentioned in a post some months ago that I think it would be a really great idea to limit prostitution to government owned and controlled brothels. This would be a complete tournaround from the current Norwegian policies of banning purchase of sexual services. As such I will compare the potential benefits, and potential problems, of government controlled brothels from the point of view that prostitution is effectivly criminalized.

I have no, or very little information to back up my arguments and assumptions, other than what goes on inside my head.

The idea is basicly: The government controlls, taxes and runs the brothels, which are the only legal marketplaces for sexual services. Prostitution outside these institutions is strictly illegal.


Not forcing the 'industry' underground, thus getting a more transparent market and making it more difficult for criminal organizations and exploitation of those in the profession.

Increased controlled with illegal immigration.

Controll with STD's and HIV through regular testing and (possibly) increased use of condoms.

Safer enviorment for both customer and professional.

Income for the state, which we need when the oil runs out or is made largely redundant.

Possibility to recomend (or demand) rehabilitation programmes to people who enter the profession in search for money for drugs or alcohol.

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and one that I think is impossible to get rid of.


Moral objections which I find irrelevant considering the practical advantages of my proposal.

Lack of people willing to enter into the profession.

People employing themselves in the 'industry' as a last resort, and rather unwillingly but in need of the income. Is this ethicly questionable?
(I think not. It is still a free choice and even more so in a country as Norway with a good welfare system).

I have trouble finding more flaws with my suggestion, but if you (my few visitors) have suggestions (preferably for cons, but also for pros) feel free to leave them in a comment.

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