tirsdag 25. november 2008

Procrastination and Walls

Right. I have my exams coming up in less than two weeks and should really, really be either reading or working on my ex.paed paper. However, I find it far more amusing to be explotiting one of my few talents. Procrastination.

By the way. The guy playing the dad in the series "The War at Home" (who also played in Prison Break, not that I ever got into that show really) is a horrible actor.

A week or two go me and my girlfriend redecorated our appartment (partly because my GF loves to move furniture around, and partly to make room for the 32' TV I've been nagging about buying). This included moving the bed in our livingroom-kitchen-bedroom-open-solution to another wall so we'll be sleeping with the side towards the heater. And, to prevent the bed to catch on fire we have moved it half a meter away from the wall.

Last night, when I couldn't fall asleep because I've fucked up my sleeping pattern by staying up 'til four and sleeping to dinnertime, I came to realise how fond I am of walls. I've always slept close to the wall, mainly because I had a tiny bed when I lived at home. Even in my GF's old appartment i would lie close to the wall with her on my chest. I think there is an element of security in the wall. Maybe the fact that I have the option to have concrete behind my back helps on my paranoid-need-to-have-my-back-covered-to-prevent-me-from-being-stabbed-in-the-spine-feeling. I have a wierd relationship with walls.

Well, now there is nothing but nothingness on either side of the bed, something that I seem to find annoying. So now I am contemplating moving the heater and shoving the bed close to the wall. Shouldn't be so difficult. Only problem is that I'm way to lazy too get of my arse and actually do it. I should actually put up some lamps as well.

Oh! Will and Grace

mandag 10. november 2008

Fireworks and festivities!

*poff* *blam* Colours everywhere!

(From lecture notes earlier today).

/cast [stealth] Punce(); [nostealth] Prowl(); [modifier:shift] Prowl()
/cast [stealth] Ravage(); [nostealth] Shred ()
/cast Innervate(); [modifier:shift] [target=self (player?)] Innervate()
/castsequence [reset=target] Moonfire(), Insect Swarm()

/cast Barkskin
/cast Hurricane()

I'm bored. My lecturer is repeating herself over and over again and is impersonating Captain Obvious. And she is using the word "sant" way too much.

On another note: The girl in the row infront of me has the most amazingly beautifull handwriting I've ever seen. I wish i could write like that. On the other hand it might be a tad too feminine for a manly man like myself.

I didn't sleep tonight. All of a sudden it was six o'clock in the morning and I had to get up at seven to go to my lecture, so I decided not to go to bed and make me some "egg-in-a-basket". Anyway. Due to my choice of delicious eggs instead of sleep I am at the moment of writing this, rather drowsy. Still, I feel on top of the world! It's a quite amusing sensation. My lecturers microphone borked during our five minute break. I'm in a really good mood, but tierd as a doorknob. Also, I find it hard to read stuff and I am a bit dizzy.

I've been sitting here, wringing my brain, trying to come up with some new macros to use. I love macros, however there is a limit to their usefullness. Maybe if I study the scripting part a bit I could come up with a fishing macro so that I just had to spam one button while fishing; or atleast a mousover loot function. I doubt it will work though. I have a bunch of help/harm macros and the cat-form macros I wrote on the first page. I tried some new versions of prowl macros, using /changeactionbar instead of modifiers, but it was hard to get back to actionbar one in all scenarios. So back to the old modifiers. Now I've run out of macros to write. I could do the castsequence one I wrote on the first page, but I prefer pressing the buttons (4 and c); in case I want to spam Moonfire and can't be bothered with modifiers).

Lecturer is showing a short film. Norske Skog in Skogn is the worlds coolest factory (according to the film) and their economy is swimming in Deepshit pond.
Man talking about him needing his helmet, but it looks like it's too late for him. End of page!
A Great, Big, Bushy Beard!

Fishing macro seems impossible. The closest would be a TURNORACTION command such as: /script SetBinding("1", "TURNORACTION"). I would still need to have my mouse hovering over the fishing bob so I don't see why I should bother clicking 1 instead of RMB.