søndag 15. februar 2009

fredag 6. februar 2009


I have always concidered myself somewhat of a socialist. I believe that in a society the government exists to serve the people, not the other way around. And I believe that government controll, and equallity is good. I have however, lost the taste for the Norwegian socialists (not that I will start voting FRP or anything); they seem to be taking things a little bit to the extreeme. Besides I have some close to heart cases that I sincerely believe will improve our society.

As such, I have decided that it would be a good idea to form my own political party. I have started writing down some of the content of my political agenda.

So; here is what I will attempt to push through if you elect me and my (one man) party for government.

One of the things that I have given much thought to is the idea of Government controlled brothels. In case you have lived under a rock (or outside of Norway) for the last year you might have missed the recent ban imposed by our current government that illegalized purchase of sexual scervices. This, I believe, is a bad way to deal with the problem which is human trafficing and pimping. My idea is simply to implement brothels which are controlled by the government. This will increase the safety of those who choose to work as prostitutes, and grant income to the nation. I will post more about this matter in a separate post in order to keep this on topic.

One of the problems our country will face in the coming future is lack of money due to new sources of energy, and the drying up of oil wells. This leads to a need for new sources of income if one is to maintain the welfare-state. It might be necessary to increase taxes, but it might be avoidable.

Firstly, we need to increase our current spending on research with regards to modern technologies and energy production.

Secondly, we need to strenghten one of the strongest export articles we have; fishing. Unfortunately, there is not enough fish in the ocean to earn us a sufficient amount of money, so fish farms seems to be the way to go. However, there is a problem with the modern fish farms. The fish tends to run away and have sex with other wild fish (or sperm on their eggs), and give them fleas. Now, I don't know much about fish farms but it occurs to me that putting the fish in big transparent pipes with small holes in them (to allow water circulation) instead of the standard rope mesh they use (as far as I know). Show me the salmon who eats through inch thick plastic and I'll feed it my analbeads.

Also there are areas within public service in Norway which need heavy economic evaluation. We need to observe how we spend our money especially within the defence sector and health. Defence because it needs significant improvement (we are not even able to defend Oslo in case of an attack (not that we would want to)). And health, because it is a fucking moneysink and we need that money. To be fair, we might need to privatize some of the public sector to save some money and I believe that if something were to go, health would be the first as private hospitals would take some of the queues and costs away from the public ones and will offer good healthcare for those who can afford it. Cutting down the expenses of the public hospitals, but still maintaining good healthcare for those who choose not to go to private hospitals.

Education needs strengthening. A lot of it. Better education of teachers and require masters degrees in teaching subjects for the teachers down to eight grade (which is just requiered for 'videregåande skule' teachers at the moment). Also strengthening teachers' position in society, in order to educate more and better teachers. This could be done by increasing the wages of teachers (*snicker* no ulterior motives whatsoever *snicker*).

Alcohol prices are ok as they are. I won't lower them. However I might consider extend the opening hours of the bars in the country. (The current government is now working on reducing the legal opening hours from 03:00 'til 02:00. )

Other things I am concidering:
- Legalisation of Absinthe as the alleged halusiogenic effect of this drink has been long since dissapproved.
- Legalisation of Marihuana as it has been proved not to have more harmfull effects than alcohol (sell it at the winemonopoly).
- Division of the state and the church.
- Financial support to religious groups based on size.

Now I'm tierd of writing. I'll watch silly Britons on the box.

Edit: I apologise for poor English and sentence / argument structure. I am really, really tierd.


Well, it seems like it has been some time since I wrote here last. Stressed out by my exams it seems I was. Well they went as well as could be expected. No large dissapointments, nor any massive positive surprises. I still want better grades so I should probably work a bit more (wrote he, well knowing that he could be writing on one of multiple assignments at the moment).

I am currently reading Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility for my prose class. I find it to be an utterly boring read, and the only feelings the book has stirred in me is utter disgust for Marianne's behaviour and principles. I really want to see if my lecturer can point out something in the book to change my oppinion of it.